Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Electronic Learning with Simulators: Proteus

Some say that electronic learning, cost much. There may be some truth in that when we learn we need electronic components that we need to assemble a circuit that can be used for practice. Costly electronic components and also costly mistakes that put us in that cause many costs.
But now in the era of computer errors cost us (human error) can be minimized, because now a lot of applications that can be used to perform the experiment without having to buy electronic components first.

With the simulator we can disassembly of components regardless of the failure of an electronic component mounting. So the cost to pay for the installation errors and damage to electronic components can be eliminated. So when we create an electronic circuit has been actually so just print, raft and use. 
One of the simulator is that we can use ISIS PROTEUS from Labcenter Electonisc Labcenter Electronicts Ltd. 

ISIS Proteus is one very complete electronic simulator, because we can simulate electronic circuits from simple to complex electronics. One of them we are able to design and program the microcontroller even ARM processor series and we simulate it, so we can see the results as the original series. 

For simulation tutorial, please wait for the next post....... 

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